Tryout Rust, Java on a CLI

A Java and Rust comparison

Posted by Xavier Bouclet on March 12, 2023 · 8 mins read

Tryout Rust, Java on a CLI

1. Purpose of this blog post

I wanted to try a bit of Rust for a while and I thought a cli would give me the will to try it.

The first use case I thought about was to call an API and I chose to get some UUID from a website in order to avoid doing it manually through a web browser. The url generates a number of UUID with a specific version. The parameters of the executable are :

  • VERSION : version of the UUID (1,2, 4)

  • COUNT : number of uuid to request

If you want to try out the code, you can check the project on GITHUB.

The results (compile time, execution time) have been obtained on a MacBook Pro (2021) M1 Max.

After, the Rust example, I tried the same thing with a Java executable compiled with GraalVM.

2. uuid-rust

The code consists of a main file. The important thing is that I use the reqwest and tokio libraries. I am pretty new to Rust code. So don’t hesitate to help me improve it.

use clap::Parser;

struct Cli {
    /// version of the uuid to generate 1,2,4
    version: u32,
    /// numbers of uuid to request
    count: u32,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let args = Cli::parse();
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let url = format!("{}/count/{}", args.version, args.count);
    let uuids = client.get(url)
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")

    uuids.iter().for_each(|uuid| println!("{}", uuid));


The following table summarizes the results about compile time, sieze of the executable and average execution time to request 5 version 4 uuids.

Compile time (s):


Size (Mo):


Average execution time (s) for 5 UUID :


After achieving the Rust executable, I decided to try out the same thing with Java compiled with Graal VM and I was a bit surprised with the results I got.

3. uuid-java

The code consists of a main class. The important thing is that I use the Jackson library to deserialize my response into a list of UUID.

package com.xavierbouclet;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import java.util.UUID;

public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        var version = args[0];
        var count = args[1];
        HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                .uri(new URI("".formatted(version, count)))

        var response = HttpClient
                .send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())

        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        UUID[] uuids = objectMapper.readValue(response, UUID[].class);
        for (UUID uuid : uuids) {

The following table summarizes the results.

Compile time (s):


Size (Mo):


Average execution time (s) for 5 UUID :


From a standard Java compilation, we can see that GraalVM takes more time to compile our code to a native executable but it improves the start time. Which is perfect for my use case. Be careful, depending on the use case it won’t improve your execution times. It depends on what you want to achieve. A standard Java code on a JVM can be faster on your use case.

We could improve the executable size with []upx. Unfortunately, upx breaks the executable on my M1 see issue-424.

For the ones on other processor architectures, feel free to try the command and don’t hesitate to share the results.

upx -7 target/uuid-java

4. Conclusion

To conclude, I am not saying that Java is better than Rust. I find interesting that on my use case and my laptop, an executable compiled with Graal VM does slightly better than an executable compiled with Rust.

I am perfectly aware that on other use cases Rust performs better. I contributed the Graal VM runtime on that project that shows AWS lambda execution times depending on the runtime used. And, Rust is not slightly better but way better.

If you want to check the code on GitHub.