Being a tech lead

Posted by Xavier BOUCLET on February 18, 2018 · 7 mins read

Almost one year ago, my client needed a Tech Lead in one of it’s development team. In fact they needed someone that would help to get their regulatory project back on the right track.

It was not easy at first but what an achievement the team has done from this moment.

The project

When I arrived in the team, the status was the following :

  • The team used scrum but was not able to deliver an increment

  • The team was not in the same place

  • Some team member were angry at each other

  • Every developer deployed in test environment without pulling the code from the VCS

  • There was no unit test, all the testing was made by hand

First thing first, I talked to each team member to clearly identify all the problems in the team. It could seem not important but it’s something that had to be done to help team member to move on.

From that point, we had to get some quick win to help team member to get back their confidence in them and in the project.

In order to do that, I helped the team to kill some bad habits by using the CI server to help us deploy our webapp directly from the VCS. It helped us to be sure that the code deployed was the one in the VCS.

After that, we started to use pull requests to review each line of code being commit to the development branch. Being peer reviewed took some time but is now part of our daily routine.

Fortunately for us, those few moves helped the QA tester to properly and rapidly test. Improving the feedback loop had a good impact on the webapp quality and the development team started to deliver the increment.

All these victories helped me work on improving the development speed and quality by putting in place proper unit testing. Exhorting the team member to use unit tests instead of locally deploy the webapp and test it by hand was quite a challenge. I thought it was pretty straightforward for a developer to understand that doing unit test reduce development time. Especially when deploying the webapp locally takes a few minutes but it seems that some old habits die hard.

So we had to change some team members. In fact, I don’t know if we can speak about team member in such case because they didn’t really followed the team guidelines.

In such conditions, we managed to succeed the first webapp delivery to production with an acceptable quality.

My job has become a lot easier since then. I have focused on improving team efficiency and some team member have taken good habits. We have managed to improve the code coverage from 0 to 50%. And with this the team has the proper tools and the confidence to refactor the code when needed.

It’s quite an achievement from our starting point and I am proud of what the team has achieved.

The role

For me a Tech Lead is a developer who is in charge of leading the development team. It’s really important that the Tech Lead develops because without that it’s not possible to have the team confidence.

To be good in the job, a Tech Lead has to divide his time between :

  • coding

  • motivating the team

  • supporting/organizing the team

  • innovation

The balance is sometimes hard to achieve. But when you move away from this repartition, don’t forget to get back to these ratios as soon as possible or you will do a poor job as a Tech Lead.

On my current project, I was too much in the code and it prevented me to see some member problem soon enough.


A Tech Lead who doesn’t code can’t be a Teach Lead because he won’t identify what the team is going through. I mean a Tech Lead has to understand the team context and improve this context to facilitate the team work.

Usually, it represents 30% of my time.

Motivating the team

Motivating the team means helping the team to be motivated. It means : - removing the problem - reducing the development difficulties - helping having a good atmosphere

It takes approximately 30% of my time.

Supporting / organizing the team

Supporting and organizing the team is the same in this case because the goal is to encourage team members to discuss among themselves. It helps improving knowledge and collaboration.

It also takes approximately 30% of my time.


Innovation could seem irrelevant but it’s a part of team motivation because without innovation the team will loose motivation to improve things and innovation is a way to improve development time and quality.

I guess you have already found that it takes me 10% of my time.

One last thing

A take lead can’t do his job properly, without having a team ready to listen. My job on this project would have been a lot harder if no one had listen and started to embrace the change.